Hi, I’m Simon,
I am a citizen of planet earth, like we all are.
Last thursday an idea came to me.
At first, it seemed like a nice idea and a couple of hours into thinking about it i thought it might be a really good business concept.
After a day of thinking about it, it was getting clearer and clearer to me that this could actually be an idea that has the potential to improve the life of each and every living being and their environments on this planet.
The next couple of days the idea just kept getting better and I tried to find something bad about it, but I was not able to. Since yesterday I started to get really afraid of the idea, because I started to realize, that the idea also has the potential to piss off some really powerful people that care way less about this planet and everything living on it, than me.
I don’t blame them though, because how could they know any better? But everyone can learn.
So far 4 people know about the idea, they thought I should get some sleep and that I’m overenthusiastic about it. And even if it could work, it would take lots of money, time and hard to find specialists to even develop it as a basic increment.
Except for the overenthusiastic part, they were totally right.
But it does not seem like much money and work if you divide it through 7.125 billion
I don’t want any money or fame for the idea!
In fact I would give pretty much everything I own for this idea right now and die for it tomorrow, though I’d much rather keep some of my favourite things and stay alive to watch it grow.
For this idea nobody has to die or get hurt.
For this idea nobody has to do anything illegal.
In fact the idea enables us to redefine what legal means.
Nobody has to do a single thing that they are not into, in fact everybody can take part by doing what they can do best and at what they have the most fun at.
I wish somebody else had this idea, but now, that it came to me I have to share with as many people as possible and I have to do it now.
Because in this moment, there are people dying, there are children starving, there are catastrophes happening, people are getting tortured, raped, enslaved and mistreated in every possible way.
There is so much work to do.
This is the idea:
We’re living on top of the information age.
The internet has brought everything closer together and within reach of so many people, though by far not enough.
More and more people start to care about their direct environment and the planet as a whole.
Because hopefully there comes a point in everyones life, when they start to notice, that the best things in life are free and good things start happening when you do positive and constructive things for your surroundings.
We are all so different, but we all want a good life.
We come in all shapes, colors, sexes, sizes.
We all need to eat and drink clean, healthy and affordable food.
We all want a home that we feel safe and cozy in.
We all want respect and to be taken seriously.
We all want to be able to spend time with what interests us and with people and creatures that we care for.
We all want someone to take care of us, when we are weak, ill, handicapped or sad.
We all make mistakes & we all deserve forgiveness and a second chance.
Can we agree on that?
Every country in the world has some kind of government.
Should their purpose not be to serve the country and the people that live in it?
Every branch of science finds out useful stuff all the time or at least sometimes.
Should it’s purpose not be to make the world and everybody in it more smart?
Every company in the world produces something or offers it’s services.
Should their purpose not be to improve the life of everybody and enable the people who work for it to make a reasonable living?
Is that how the world works right now?
Because too few people much wealth!
Because too few people have much power!
Because too many people own and use all kinds of horrible deadly weapons!
Because too few people would rather eat a fastfood burger that an apple!
Because the world is a pyramid!
Lets not even turn it upside down.
Lets spin it around!
Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down, thats okay, thats reality.
When you think in two dimensions that is.
And as we all know, there’s more than 2 dimensions.
Don’t we have all the wonderful tools we need?
Don’t we have all the skills?
Don’t we have all the resources?
Don’t we have Google to find stuff, Wikipedia to learn stuff, Ebay to sell stuff, Amazon to buy stuff, kickstarter to fund stuff, Facebook to socialize online and everything else?
Don’t we have Anonymous, Avaaz, Change to spread the word in a couple of minutes?
Lets all together put it all together in reality.
Participate & do what you like and can do best.
Reality is free, always and forever.
Reality is open source, always and forever.
Reality does not show you anything you don’t want to see, within it’s legal possibilities.
Reality does not save or share anything with anyone if you don’t want to.
Reality does not help to sell you stuff that you don’t want to buy.
You think nipples are natural and beautiful, no matter what sex the person they belong to claim to have?
Show them to the people you would like them to see & enjoy looking at nipples that people wanna show you.
You think fictional violence is thrilling and cool?
Enjoy it.
Same with everything else:
You’re into music?
You’re into Pokémon?
You’re into tanks and aircrafts?
You’re into football?
Show us, in your reality!
Let’s throw the first stone, not on some sinner, but into the middle of the lake.
The lake won’t mind.
The people who think they own the lake should know last, this lake is for everybody.
Lets make it as peaceful as possible.
Welcome to Youreality!
One of the many good things about this idea is, that if it works, the life of many people, animals, plants and nature as a whole can profit and improve. Education, health, fun, all the good stuffy. Even one thing, that lots of people, especially in the first world are concerned about, the economy, can improve massivelys. The idea opens the opportunity to create a successful business that one or many people can get rich with as well as a successful charity organisation that gives people in need access to clean water, medical care, education or any other thing thats lacking in their environment.
For me it still sounds too good to become reality, but I can't shake off the intense feeling that this is possible, if just the right skillful and ambitious people puzzle together all the powerful instruments that other skillful and ambitious people already put together.
If it not works at all and has absolutely no effect in reality, I've spent 15€ and a couple of days work with it and will continue to enjoy the wonderful and interesting life I already have in a city that feels like home with all the wonderful people and places surrounending me.
I think that's totally worth a try.
As I said, so far I can't find anything bad about the idea, I'm not at all saying, that it would be easy.
Please any problem that you see, think about it and lets discuss. Share your concerns with it as constructive and in as much detail as possible.
If you want to help to make the world a safer, healthier and more fun place for everybody, you can.
You don't have to wait for your government to do it for you.
What can you do, give, teach, heal, learn, construct, repair, program...what skills and materials would you like to share with the world?
Please think about it properly and then, do it!
My next step is to build a basic framework of how this platform might look like.
Your next step is to tell me whats wrong with it, make it better and share it with the world.
I know there are lots of things wrong with the spelling, grammar, formatting & everything else about the form of the idea. For me it was the clearest case of what over how and I had to get it out as real, as direct and as fast as possible, usually I'm way more perfectionistic and I don't really know what struck me.
From now on it's gonna be baby steps.
All the people to improve every single aspect about it way better and faster than me are living just a click away, maybe you are one of them, maybe you know one of them.
If you can help in any way, please do so, now.
Improve, translate, take it apart and put the pieces together as you see fit, make it your reality.
Framework - (jpeg further down)
You want to make a business out of the idea?
Do it - free market bitch!
You want it to be called something else?
Do it!
You want to believe god go the universe or somebody or something else sent it to humankind?
Do it! I think it was the universe.
You want to destroy the idea, don't want it to happen and soon be forgotten?
Give it a try!
You want to help making the idea the most powerful and wonderful thing happening in a long time.
You want to change the world and don't wait for anybody else to do it for you, because they don't get what you wish for anyways?
Please do it now!
Things that I think are bad for all living things in most cases:
- Violence
- Hate
- Ignorance
- Lies
- Weapons
- Addictions
- Hunger
Does not seem like much to me...
What do you think?
Things, that I think, are good for some people in some cases. People that should be allowed to do what they want to do with their body and psyche as longs as they don't harm anyone or anything in the process.
People that should be able to have access to all the information and resources they need to do it as safe as possible:
- Drugs
- Pain
- Stealing
- Eating bratwurst, dressed in chicken costumes while having gay sex on the Eiffelturm, being filmed by 20 drones
while listening to "don't stop me now" by Queen to afterwards sell totally overpriced special editions of it at Walmart
What do you think?
I want more of the good things and way less of the bad things happening and being around all of us.
I am willing to pay for it.
I will give 100$ to the one person, who does and presents one of the following things in the most creative & popular way - don't harm any living thing in the process, please!
- Forgive someone
- Destroy a weapon
- Present a concept how to build a platform where we all can decide together who did the first two things in the most creactive way, don't hesitate to use and refine my puzzle framework further down - or if that platform already exits, invite them to join in, they might gain some attention from it. If not, they have nothing to lose and 3 people will make 100$ really easily.
- Come up with a positive & constructive challenge and give the person who does it in the most creative way 100$ for it
It does not all matter how you present it, you don't need a smartphone or a camera for it, write a story about it, paint a picture, write a song, make a movie, do a dancing performance, you name it:
The challenge starts right now, you have until August 31st 2016 - until thctive quite positive, that we will have figured out together how to decide, who did the challenges in the most creative way.